Friday, November 04, 2005

How to contact me

I have posted an email address but I guess that post is buried deep within this blog so most people do not see it!

Yes you can still reach me at shomernegiah at yahoo dot com. I read every email that goes to that address, but remind you all that I almost never answer.

One of these days I will set up a gmail account since I think that gmail does not report the IP address of the sender. I have to investigate that more but if it is true then I will set that up and then I will start answering emails.

You can also contact me by leaving a comment on the blog but then of course it is not private.

I am sorry I do not have a better system but in addition to wanting to maintain my privacy I also do not want the emails to start taking over my life, as they would if I felt I had to respond to them all.

Thank you to everyone who emails me and leaves comments.

PS Yes I am still dating the man you are all wondering about. We are having our ups and downs. When there is something to tell you one way or another I will post it.


  1. Yay, I'm glad you're still dating the gentleman from before. I hope it's still going well. Let us know if you need a gmail "invitation" - I'm sure many of us could set you up. Shabbat Shalom!

  2. I was not aware that an email address could, lulei demistafina, give away your identity. How does that work?

    I see that you spell out ("at yahoo dot com") your email. What is that for?

    These questions are not necesarily for NJG but for any tech-savvy reader to answer as well.

  3. spelling it out like that is to avoid spammers -- they pick out email addresses that are easily identified by things like "@yahoo"

  4. It's unlikely yahoo or gmail would report your ip. Gmail is good and what I use but if yahoo is what you have, it's probably a good idea to stick with it. I hear they're unrolling a new gmail-killer interface so you might want to stick it out.

  5. If privacy is of utmost importance, I recomend . Very easy to set up, no invite required, and they use the highest level of civilian encryption.

    I am very happy to hear that you are still seeing him, sincerely hope that it works out for you soon.

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  7. Thanks all (especially you NABJ) for, lulei demistafina, a primer in all that techie stuff that I never bothered to learn.

    Even Semgirl weighed in--and she's from Lakewood! LOL

  8. hey NJG

    You seem to be getting some comment spam - you can get rid of this by going to your blogger comments settings, and turning word verification on. Just a suggestion as it may save you time instead of having to delete annoying comments. Keep Well.

  9. You can just create an e-mail address with "shomer" as your fist name and "negiah" as your last name - then the e-mail will say it is from "Shomer Negiah" (although that's not the case any more :)

  10. NJG, did you see Grey's Anatomy tonight? In a "ripped from the Shomer Negiah blog" plot line, there was a scene where a hot 18 year old wheelchair bound patient complains to Alex (one of the doctors) about never having been kissed. After she keeps begging him to kiss her, he bends down as if he's about to, and instead tells her that she's got to wait for someone she really loves to make it worthwhile...

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  16. Good to read you are still dating your gentleman friend. Has he also been shomer negai until this relationship? I’m interested in the male perspective(if you don’t mind sharing) of his first kiss with a shomer negia girl. Keep smiling

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  18. Congrats on still dating! I hope you are enjoying many more ups than downs. Of course, we need the downs to appreciate the ups...straight lines are dull =)

    Good luck!

  19. Anon afraid you can make such sweeping statements anonymously. At least be man enuf to put a website and a phone number.. I dont know a single Rov who holds like that..

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  21. Chuck -- You and your wife sound completely clueless about what generates happiness in a relationship.

    First, how do you know who is/was SN and who wasn't? Claiming that "you can just tell" is just naive.

    And besides, how do you know the source of joy or misery in someone else's marriage. Do you sleep in their bedrooms? Do a wide swath of miserable or happy couples keep detailed journals about their marriages and turn them over to you? Do you have nevuah? Are you a Peeping Tom? How in the world do you make such a silly, shallow observation?

    I'll be generous and say your observation about other people's lives is naive and flawed.

  22. good to hear you're still seeing this guy, hope it goes well for you two. Your readers are rooting for you!

  23. "we've seen the "model" couples, the ones everybody thought were perfect, get divorced"

    What in the world does this have to do with Shomer negiah?

    "we've seen the couples that spat still married with good kids (good kids are an usual indication of a good marriage)"


    "true you can get away with things, but it all comes out in the end"

    What are you even talking about??

    "you sound like you're 22 max, I'd venture to say more likely in your late teens"

    Even if I'm six years old, you still have yet to make a valid point that would imply you know anything about other people's relationships and what constitutes good and bad relationships.

  24. it's really hard to fight the urges. therefore, i choose not to be shomer negia. its not as if i go sleeping around or anything- but if i wanted to, i could.
